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    Long Audio Play Movie Andjust  by Mox Mäkelä  2020   duration 110 minute DCP / AppleProRes 422, srt [ suomenkielinen info ] ”…if it should be possible to close into some kind of a vessel a very large quantity of such fire particles, it would be possible to sail on the clouds as easily as we sail on the sea, and to visit the Salamanders in their aerial abodes,…” [Anatole France: ”The Queen Pedauque”]   ”After you had passed several courts you came to the centre, wherein you might behold the constable himself in his own lodgings, which had windows fronting to each avenue, and ports to sally out upon all occasions of prey or defence.  In this mansion he had for some time dwelt in peace and plenty, without danger to his person by swallows from above, or to his palace by brooms from below; when it was the pleasure of fortune to conduct thither a wandering bee, to whose curiosity a broken pane in the glass had discovered itself,…” [Jonathan Swift: ”The Battle of the Books”]             p

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  AUDIO PLAY MOVIE ANDJUST atmosphere milieu andjust neighbour taiteellinen art food active brooms     Still clips:                          Poster / Juliste          RETURN TO MAIN PAGE  

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  ANDJUST / ajankohtaista / topical G O G O L  Nenätippa / The nasal drop Pyhäjoen kirjasto heinäkuussa 2024 / Pyhäjoki library in July 2024 * A U L I S (Andjustin roolissa: Anders Anttila & Aulis Junes) * Elokuvan englanninkielinen, sekä suomenkielinen versio  ovat katsottavissa kokonaisuudessaan veloituksetta Elonetissä ANDJUST - ELONET The English and Finnish versions of the film  can be viewed in their entirety free of charge on Elonet "Tunnelma on outo, kaikki ei taida olla ihan kohdallaan..." "There is a strangeness in the air; it seems not is all is it should be..." Sivuhuomioita Andjustin aiheen ytimestä : Side notes from the core of Andjust's topic : (Andjust, otoksia) "Kohta kansi lentää kattilan päältä" Janne Saarikivi HS 14.6.2022 (Kuvan alkuperä: Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Kullervon kirous 1899) "Varjele noita Suomen herroja, etteivät ne toista kertaa löisi päätänsä..." (Väinö Linna: Tuntematon sotilas, ote)  EI VARJELLUT (kuvaka